Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Only want my way
In order to get it we
Must work together


Must work together
Groups will give the best results
Time will be saved, yes

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Lego my Legos

This was one of the last times that we could get extra credit. And oh boy did I want it. A whole 5 points on the final, which was already going to be easier than expected, meant a nice boost to my grade. As soon as I heard that the activity will be based around LEGOS, I was excited and worried at the same time. I loved LEGOS when I was younger and did hundreds of constructions with them. Our team started thinking of ways to get the points. We thought that we could each draw out as much of the construction as we could and memorize it. Then we decided to each focus on one area of the figure so that we can combine it all together.

Once we got the blocks, another member of my team went out for the first inspection. The rest of us were just sitting there waiting for him to come back. About 5 minutes later another member and I came closer to the door to wait for the inspector to come out and tell us what it looks like. The 2nd person went in and a few minutes later she came back and told me what to focus on. I had the responsibility of figuring out the back side of the figure. I went in and drew out the back side. At first I didn't notice that some of the colors were split into small 2 dot blocks, but fortunately i saw that in time. After coming out, I realized that I missed some aspects so I had to go back 2 times to look at the figure again. We were the 4th of 5th group to get our LEGOS. We immediately started working on out parts and a minute later we were done. Our drawings weren't very good because sometimes we couldn't figure out what was going on.

We were stuck at the very end. I knew that there had to be a space between the green and white blocks at the 2nd to the bottom level, but we couldn't figure out how to make it work. After several groups failed, we were anxious to finish. Out of nowhere I saw there were two green squares and if we took one out, it would work. So I took a square off and put the figure together and wallah! 5 POINTS!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Farewell and Goodluck

Who knew that blogging can be educational? Professor Kurpis did. I found the blog requirement to be helpful to the overall experience of the class. I learned more than I would have just by going to class because I was actively involved in thinking and analyzing different concepts and ideas. I liked that we had a bit more contact with others than we did in class. I haven’t decided yet if it was good that we didn’t know the people we were commenting on, but I’m leaning towards it being a incomplete idea. I think it would have been nice to be able to develop some kind of professional relationship with other people in the class via out blogs. Perhaps if we were given assignments to talk about more personal things, it would have brought out more of ourselves and others could see the info.
I like that 20% of out grade is based on our blogs. I agree that if we manage the blogs properly, we have less to worry about if we didn’t get a 100 on our tests. I didn’t really realize that the blogs were worth 20%, I just knew that they were important. Nevertheless, I posted my blogs almost always on time and responded to others within the dates given.
It is possible that I will continue on with this blog. I doubt that it will be strictly about management, but will incorporate all kinds of things. I have wanted to have a blog long before I started this class and this is good opportunity for me to explore the world of blogging. So thank you Professor Kurpis.