Friday, April 16, 2010
The Next New Thing
Our Class Wiki - So Far
Friday, April 9, 2010
About My Term Research Paper
Friday, March 26, 2010
Privacy & Confidentiality
If people use mediums such as twitter of facebook, they need to accept that everything that they type when using the services, will not be private. Facebook recently updated their terms of use to say exactly that; user's pictures, updates, comments, etc, can be used by Facebook and sold to third parties. Although I don't know Twitters terms of use, I expect them to be similar. These services are only private and confidential for the people who run them.
Advice to Baruch College
One of the ideas that Fix Baruch (USG candidates) is exactly this. I think that online classes would free up some space around campus (less people walking around), and would encourage the creation of new classes.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds
Virtual worlds are something that have yet to be fully utilized. But there are already many creative uses. Some companies use virtual settings for meetings. "Parmar told CNN that he recently held a meeting with 12 technical leaders from across Europe and Asia. While that would typically involve flying everyone to a central location, he said the meeting was held using the new Sametime 3D." Unless the meeting is very important, participants can log on instead of traveling around the world.
Virtual worlds can be used so ordinary people can get in on the action. A hearing about about online virtual worlds was shown on SecondLife. People were able to see and hear what was going on, and could participate themselves.
It is up to the user how they want their world to look like. So anything is possible. Even flying pigs.
From what I have seen, virtual worlds do not look very nice. They look like a video game from 2003. This is probably because so much programming and graphic editing is required to make it look better, but I think that should be the future; a real looking virtual world.
Twitter Discussion
Blackboard discussions are more similar to blog comments. There is an initial post and then all the replies/comments are in chronological order. Twitter discussions are newest tweet first, so you have to read down.
Overall it was interesting since I had not used twitter that much before.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Social Networking
Sites such as Linkedin greatly expedite the recruiting process. Employers just search for keywords and find many possible candidates. They no longer need to call someone to find if they know any possible job matches. "Using Linkedin, Steckerl says he can scout a group of job candidates in just half an hour. But if he wants to develop a relationship with any of them, he says there is no substitute for a much older social networking tool: the telephone." So there are still things that such social networking sites don't replace. But for users of more social sites like Facebook, people don't really need to talk on the phone, they can have whole conversation on walls, comment sections, or through messages.
These technologies can change the way that we look for things online. Facebook wants to be the future of the internet. It has a different way of thinking than Google. If either wins, people will get used to their way of thinking and searching. Social networks make accessing people easy. Someone can find out a lot of things about someone on sites like Everything a person has online; pictures, history, thoughts, etc, is accessed and brought together.
Facebook brings people together, but it also separates them. Some people live in social networks and do not use regular means of communication. Phone conversations might eventually cease to exist as all communication will be via computers or whatever new device comes out.
Check Out Social Networking Sites
Myspace has elements similar to Facebook such as the updates section. Although it does not seam to be a major part of the site experience. User's pages are customizable with codes. Many artists use myspace to advertise themselves.
Friendster is similar to Facebook but the layout is different. People have home, profile, pics, friends, classified (facebook marketplace), and fun tabs. I don't know how everything works since I have never used the service prior to now.
Twitter used the updates ability from Facebook and made it the whole concept of their service. People can post short bursts of thought and others can read them. Following people is similar to friending them, but you have the choice of the communication only going one way. Many famous people have Twitter account, such as Ashon Kutcher, and anyone can follow their twitter feeds.
Depending if people just want to know a little bit about a person or really get to know them, they could use either Facebook or Twitter. Ironically, it seems that facebook provides less personal info while Twitter is more personal.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Blogs vs. Wikis
The article on corporate wikis said "obviously people are finding them useful, so that means there’s some need to collaborate that’s not being satisfied well enough by other tools." Wikis provide a more organized source of information than blogs. While blogs may be helpful for company stress relief, wikis can give the employees a sense of belonging if they contribute and are able to edit their co-worker's and boss's posts.
Blogs can be used to collaborate mainly by each person posting a new thing. Or they can comment on previous posts. But this may get confusing and sometimes may not be effective.
A wiki can be used for all kinds of things. Perhaps the medical field doesn't utilize wikis too much yet. They would be able to present their findings and data on specific research projects and experiments.
Old vs. New
-Old media is mostly printed and delivered to consumers. While new media is online and accessible to anyone who wants it.
-Old media did not have a way of people collaborating. They would get some information, be able to reply by mailing back something, and if lucky, would receive an answer published or also my mail. New media allows people to instantly post something and see someone else reply.
-With new media, people are able to find a place (blog, forum, etc) they are interested in, and always be connected to it (through rss feeds or setting up updates). Old media required you to schedule your time so you could catch the tv program or read the paper. This old media did not update as fast as new media.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Their are several aspects to the digital divide; geographical, economical, social, and political. I will go into some depth on each of these areas and more explaining how they are some of the ways to look at the digital divide. What makes it ok for one nation of people to have all kinds of new tech while their neighbors get different variations or even non at all? Many times it is because of the countries standards, or lack of. As we saw during the recent disaster is Haiti, there is very limited infrastructure and thus very limited cell phone communication is possible. I would imagine that internet is also rare and if it does exist, it would be a form of dial-up. Are these conditions enough for the citizens to be able to participate in new media? Sometime yes and sometimes no.
What is New Media?
Most blogs are probably started to let others know about something. Perez Hilton's blog led to the conclusion that "blogs about celebrities are becoming the new rage among celebrity gossip lovers." A blog can be about anything at all. Since you have a interest, it is likely that someone else will find it interesting as well.
Negative aspect of blogging is that bloggers don't always find proof that what they are talking about it true. People think that since it's "published" on the internet, it is true. However, professional bloggers most likely don't just make stuff up, they get proof to support whatever claim they are making. Since the medium is the internet, it is a lot easier to edit posts immediately and not have to print a retraction or edit on paper.
New media is using the good aspects of previous media and trying to not have any bad aspects itself. However that is not possible. Someone will still think that some blogs are too adult and should be blocked to kids, but kids will find a way around it if they want. With previous methods of media, parental control was more absolute (kids had to go out of their way to get access to things they weren't supposed to have). So I think that newspapers, magazines, and other hardcopy forms of media will remain in our lives until a new new media is developed.